Fertilizer Program & Growing Guide

This guide will show you how to grow a giant pumpkin step by step.

Written by Joel Holland

Below is the complete fertilizer schedule that I (Joel Holland) used to grow the 2017 WORLD CHAMPION PUMPKIN of 2,363 pounds!

When going for a record you can "turbo-charge" the program below by increasing the granular applications by 25% and applying each foliar spray every 5 days instead of once per week. When time is short, foliar products can be combined. Soluble Seaweed/Soluble Fish Powder can be applied as one spray or Soluble Seaweed/Calcium Concentrate combination.

PLEASE NOTE: The addition of Kick-A-Poo Joy Juice and Blossom Booster and Fruit Finisher 0-52-34 has really helped perfect our Fertilizer Program. The use of Biogrow Endo Plus at each leaf axil on the main vine as well as the laterals has also pushed giant pumpkin growing ahead in a positive direction.

Initial Soil Preparation

Previous Fall (preferred) Early Spring - Get a soil test done. Add organic matter, compost, manure and/or plant cover crop. Make needed pH adjustments. Add nutrients in the Spring, based on the results of your soil test, such as Kelp Meal, Langbeinite and Steamed Bone Meal Granules.

Starting Seeds - Soak seeds in a solution of ½ teaspoon Soluble Seaweed Powder in 1 quart of warm water. Mix 1/2 cup of Biogrow Endo Plus in each 1 cubic foot of seed starting mix.

Preplanting: Work in 3 to 4 pounds of Pumpkin Power in an 8 to 10-foot circle at each planting site.  Also, work in 3 pounds of SPRING WAKE-UP! to each site. The Pumpkin Power will provide healthy early season vigor and feed the primary nutrients for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium plus Calcium for up to 3 months.


Mix ½ cup of Biogrow Endo Plus into each 1 cubic foot of soil excavated for planting holes.  Dust the planting hole thoroughly with 1 tablespoon of Root Boost- Nitrogen Fixing Azospirillum and place the root ball directly on the product and backfill.  Water the seedlings with a Soluble Seaweed/Fish Powder combo in warm water. Mix each at half the normal rate.  The instructions for mixing are on the labels.

Month-By-Month Fertilizing Suggestions


Water the plants at the base as needed, alternating Soluble Seaweed Powder, Calcium, and Soluble Fish Powder.  When plants reach the 5th leaf stage, do a combination of foliar applications and feeding directly on the soil in an area 2 to 3 times larger than the plant.  Dust each leaf axil where the roots will protrude with Root Boost- Nitrogen Fixing Azospirillum before burying to promote strong root growth.


Use 1-2 tablespoons of Biogrow Endo Plus and a dusting of Root Boost- Nitrogen Fixing Azospirillum at each leaf axil when burying main vines and laterals. Add ¼ cup of Pumpkin Power in the trench for every 3 feet of vine.


    Use 1-2 tablespoons of Biogrow Endo Plus and a dusting of Root Boost- Nitrogen Fixing Azospirillum at each leaf axil when burying main vines and laterals. Add ¼ cup of Pumpkin Power in the trench for every 3 feet of vine.


      Use 1-2 tablespoons of Biogrow Endo Plus and a dusting of Root Boost- Nitrogen Fixing Azospirillum at each leaf axil when burying main vines and laterals. Add ¼ cup of Pumpkin Power in the trench for every 3 feet of vine.

        September & October


        Use 1 tbs. of Soluble Amino Acid Bio-Activator for each 1-pound of other fertilizers applied and add 1 tbs per gallon when foliar feeding with Seaweed, Fish, Blossom Booster, etc. Apply 2 pounds of Soluble Humic Acid-86 to each bed before final tilling in the Spring.  Water in Soluble Humic Acid-86 2 to 3 times during the season along the vines or spray over the plant and water in.

        Using Natural Wet with nutrient foliar sprays, insecticides, or fungicides will increase the effectiveness by breaking down the surface tension of water and acting as a spreader.  In addition, the saponins from the Yucca plant extract will help the plant retain water in hot weather conditions.

        ** If pumpkins are on a very high growth curve or the stem cracks or sag lines appear, you should consider cutting back on water and fertilizer.

        ***If your field pumpkin plants are small, adjust quantities and applications appropriately.